Rendell exploits his brand

From the INQUIRER:

On Monday, the soon-to-be-ex-governor of Pennsylvania said in a news conference that he had signed up with the William Morris Agency, where he’ll be represented by the office of Henry Reisch, a vice president at the company. (Reisch had no immediate comment.) Rendell is all but assured of a long, voluble career as speaker, TV pundit, author, well-compensated corporate board member.

“Rendell loves punditry,” G. Terry Madonna, director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs at Franklin and Marshall College, writes by e-mail. “He certainly does not want to practice law or do rainmaking at a law firm.”..

Ed Rendell is set up nicely for cable TV. Affable, hearty, verbal, he likes to mix it up with a smile. Just great around a table. “And the cable producers find him refreshing,” writes [Terry]  Madonna. “He’s provocative and unpredictable, two qualities they love. He will also not just toe the party line. He is fast on his feet and has a sense of humor. He has made no bones about the fact that he wants a cable job.”

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