Remembering Peter Lewis

Peter Lewis and I were respectful acquaintances although we did not develop a friendship.

We both supported and worked towards drug policy reform.

On occasions over two decades we had frank discussions concerning the movement, its directions, and its leadership. I think he spent his money a lot wiser than did George Soros, although the two of them often teamed up.

I recall our first meeting, high up in an Upper West Side condominium he kept for his occasional visits to the city. He came on strong. He was used to dominating conversations. Finally I told him “Peter, you must be at least twenty times wealthier than I am but we both have the same goal of ending this War on Drugs. I’ll put a million dollars if you will put up twenty-million and we will get the job done.”

He didn’t take up my challenge, but he got the message. But over time I know I did my share; and he must have come at least close to meeting my challenge.

He was a very bright guy. As is Soros.

If any of you think I am eccentric, I invite you to read his obituary.

We differed in life styles, but we shared many of the same outlooks.

‘May his memory be for a blessing.’
