Record turnout expected for Penn State trustees vote.

CAPITOL WIRE / AP:  ALLENTOWN, PA — Thousands of Penn State graduates angered over the way the Board of Trustees handled the Jerry Sandusky sex scandal will finally get to do something about it, casting ballots for three open alumni seats in a hotly contested election with dozens of candidates.

A record 86 candidates are vying for spots on a board that has been roundly criticized for firing coach Joe Paterno over his handling of an abuse allegation against Sandusky, a retired football assistant charged with sexually abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period. He has denied the allegations.Voting begins Tuesday and runs through 9 a.m. May 3, with results to be announced at the May 4 Board of Trustees meeting. All alumni – more than 550,000 strong – are eligible to cast a ballot.
