Real motivations for US intervention in Libya

…I can’t think of any war in recent memory where we were told the truth about why we were invading, attacking or occupying.  So, I approach every statement about why we go to war with a lot of doubt — since the history of war (not only in the U.S. but throughout history) is so often based on lies. I see lots of other reasons to be in Libya — oil, military bases and putting in place a government open to U.S. neoliberal policies.  I don’t buy the humanitarian excuse — especially when to protect civilians in Benghazi the U.S./NATO attacked Tripoli, a densely populated city of more than a million people, with a massive air attack that no doubt killed thousands of civilians.  Protecting civilians just does not ring true. And, Obama said we’d be there days not weeks, now we are going into months.  And, when he originally said we are not there for regime change, now he and the leaders of France and Germany are saying we are staying until Ghadaffi is gone.  In the end, we want military bases and a government open to control by US corporate interests. And, that has been what this was about from the beginning, I suspect.
