Rasmussen: Santorum Surge Has ‘Substance’


…“Rick Santorum is probably the last of the not-Romney candidates to surge. He’s clearly in front right now. We have him out by 12 points nationally. He’s up a little bit in Michigan,” [Scott]  Rasmussen said in an exclusive interview with Newsmax on Thursday. “The only question is whether Santorum is any different from Michele Bachmann, Chris Christie, Donald Trump, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich, who also were front-runners ahead of Romney at some point in the polls and there appears to be some more substance to the Santorum surge.”

Rasmussen, who also is co-founder of the sports network ESPN, said Santorum — unlike previous front-runners — beats Romney in a head-to-head matchup. “The numbers show that this is the first time there has been a not-Romney challenger who wins a head-to-head matchup with Romney,” said Rasmussen, noting that such matchups in the past have been tossups or favored the former Massachusetts governor.

“The reason for that was that, in the case of Gingrich, if other candidates dropped out, while Gingrich got some of their support, so did Romney,” Rasmussen observed. “What we’re seeing right now is if Gingrich were out of the race, his supporters overwhelmingly would go against Romney. So whether it’s about Rick Santorum or just about the nature of the race, we’re finally seeing a point where as the challengers drop out, support consolidates against Mitt Romney.”

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