Rasmussen Poll: 56% Want to Bring Troops Home From Afghanistan

NEWSMAX:  Voters feel more strongly than ever that U.S. troops should be brought home from Afghanistan right away or a timetable should be set to bring them back within a year. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 35 percent of likely U.S. voters now favor the immediate withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, the highest level of support to date. Just over 20 percent more support the establishment of a firm timetable to bring the troops home within a year.

The combined total of 56 percent is up four points from the beginning of March, up 13 points from 43 percent from September, and up 19 points from September 2009.

Thirty percent of voters in the survey of 1,000 U.S. voters on May 5 and 6 still oppose the creation of any kind of timetable for withdrawal, and 15 percent remain undecided…  (more)
