Rasmussen: 65% See Gun Rights as Protection Against Tyranny

NEWSMAX: …The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65 percent of American Adults think the purpose of the Second Amendment is to make sure that people are able to protect themselves from tyranny. Only 17 percent disagree, while another 18 percent are not sure.

While there are often wide partisan differences of opinion on gun-related issues, even 54 percent of Democrats agree with 75 percent of Republicans and 68 percent of those not affiliated with either major party that the right to own a gun is to ensure such freedom…

The NRA is now viewed favorably by 49 percent of Americans and unfavorably by 41 percent. This includes 25 percent with a Very Favorable opinion of the influential gun-rights organization and 23 percent with a Very Unfavorable one. The NRA’s favorables are down slightly from 54 percent in July 2011, but its unfavorable are unchanged… (more)

EDITOR:   The poll apparently begs the question of what types of guns people feel should be allowed.  What percent believe they need weapons of war in order to protect against tyranny?



1 Comment

  1. Tyranny – oppressive power exerted by government.

    Given that definition from Webster’s, and given the military like resources available to the state and federal government, what types of weapons would you want to be allowed?

    EDITOR: We might start with the ballot box.

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