Quinnipiac: Most Americans Want Obamacare Repealed

NEWSMAX:  A new poll by Quinnipiac University finds that most Americans, including independent voters, believe that the U.S. Supreme Court should strike down Obamacare.

The poll, released late Thursday, found that 50 percent of voters and 51 percent of independent voters want the high court to overturn President Obama’s controversial healthcare reform law. In contrast, only 39 percent of voters and 37 percent of independent voters do not want the high court to take action.

The poll found that most voters — 66 percent — believe the economy is in a recession while a slight majority — 54 percent — believe it has begun to recover…  (more)

EDITOR:   This is not surprising considering that liberals wanted a single payer health care system such as exists in most economically advanced nations, perhaps “Medicare for all,” while conservatives did not want further envolvement of the government in health care.  President Barack Obama made a compromise that left no one happy, which often is the nature of compromises.  At best, Obama Care is but a first step towards urgently needed reform.
