Questions lottery pay out to taxpayers; opposes advertising legal pot

The LNP reported last week that lottery revenue exceeded $3 billion in 2011, of which $960 million went to senior citizens. I really need to understand why less than 1 in 3 dollars goes to the taxpayers and where the majority of the revenue is lost. This ratio seems to be the reverse of what it should be.

As for marijuana sales by the state – I would welcome that, however, I wonder if those sales would be accompanied by the excessive onslaught of advertising that we now see with the state lottery – billboards, radio, television, etc.

Sadly it looks like we’ve taken the profits from an undesirable activity from one band of crooks to another.


1 Comment

  1. Are you suggesting that our elected officials are crooks??????????? What a novel idea!!

    3 wags of the tail from a southern-ender!!!!

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