Questions legitimacy of expanded James Street Improvement District

JSID was originally formed by F&M and LGH; ever since, its influence has been expanding. For reasons never explained to the public, JSID was not long ago handed control of the taxpayer-funded Downtown Investment District. Now the JSID appears to be reaching even further beyond its original boundaries.

How is it possible that a private non-profit corporation has become in so few years so powerful that it is literally running a government agency? Why hasn’t anyone ever investigated that issue? And how can the JSID get away with attempting to influence issues well beyond its borders?


1 Comment

  1. There are a few non-profit organizations that you need to look at. Housing Development Corporation and Lancaster Safety Coalition both are organizations that have grown and grown with no oversight from the community.

    All three need to have someone ask where the funding is coming from and how much are people associated with these three getting paid.

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