Put prisoners to work

I have piles of notes from our County Commissioner Meetings over the years about grant money, money allocated from the state to the county to provide services.  Along with the services, the County has to do as Harrisburg says to get their money and each year the money shrinks and more services are needed..

For example:  we have healthy men and women in prison that could easily do outside manual work for room and board, eventually recycling those paid out dollars to have the work done and use that money towards lets say dental care for needy children which is a group that currently exists in our County.  NO WAY, the men and women that are serving time may have accidents that will in turn hold the County responsible!!  This is PA.

If we ran our prison system like some other states, they use their prisoners for outside work and save money via lower taxes.  Our County and State are just too free with HELPING and too many that are strong and able to work know how to work the system…
