Pussy Riot Members To Spend Prison Sentence In Notorious Russian Penal Colony

HUFFINGTON POST / AP:  After losing an appeal to serve their sentences in a pre-trial detention center last week, Pussy Riot members Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina will reportedly spend their two-year jail terms in one of the worst places imaginable — at an infamous penal colony 100 kilometers outside Moscow, Reuters reports.

According to the Associated Press, some 40 inmates are cramped together in each prison barrack, starting the day with compulsory exercises in bone-chilling temperatures at dawn and spending the rest of their days doing “corrective labor.”

“Everyone knows the rule: Trust no one, never fear and never forgive,” Svetlana Bakhmina, a lawyer who spent three years in a penal colony, told the AP. “You are in no-man’s land. Nobody will help you. You have to think about everything you say and do to remain a person.”…  (more)
