Public needs protection from those who abuse journalist title

What this situation points out is the desperate need for clarification by the D.A. or courts as to what constitutes harassment. The story Mr. Harper was pursuing about the three F & M students had been addressed in The Lancaster Newspapers.  District Attorney  Stedman clearly said Mr. Fry hadn’t contacted him asking for special treatment. I’m sure Mr. Harper read that story.

In the courtroom that would be considered asked and answered. Any further questioning would be badgering the witness. Outside of the courtroom, I would consider going to Mr. Fry’s residence (I saw the video of Mr. Harper’s car in Fry’s driveway, leaning over Mr. Fry’s fence and coaxing his dog) harassment as it serves no purpose.

CC2709A3 “Course of conduct which serves no purposed” is the statute covering this type of action. In a time when any yahoo can put up a website for a few bucks and call himself a journalist, we need protection from those who would abuse that professional title.

If Mr. Harper’s actions were legally harassment, Mr. Fry should have had him arrested by the police force that has jurisdiction. Whoever that may be.  Perhaps then this situation could have been avoided.

If the district attorney or courts don’t make clear to all the people who don’t abide by journalistic ethics that they will be arrested when they break the law, I’m sure there will be more problems clogging the courts or worse. After all, as I believe Mr. Field once said, we males are aggressive by nature.  If being harassed repeatedly, there’s no telling what might happen.

Publisher’s comments: The above is reasonable and contains insights but, in fairness to Ron Harper, I would like to point out some facts in the order of assertions:

“In the court room that would be considered asked and answered.”   If that is the rule for journalist, there would have been no Watergate scandal investigation and Richard Nixon would have remained president for the balance of his term.

“Course of conduct which serves no purpose’” Harper’s “course of action” served a purpose.  Previously he had placed the Lancaster Post box in the right-of-way in front of our house and across from the John Fry residence.  I witnessed people walking up or getting out of their cars to obtain copies.   The box was stolen and had been at the headquarters of the F & M police for several days before Harper was notified to pick it up.   Harper’s purpose, as corroborated by Christiaan Hart-Nibbrig, was to secure the box to a bus stop across the road and in the right-of-way in  front of Fry’s residence.  Subsequent to the Lancaster Post ceasing publication, NewsLanc purchased its boxes and a box  again was located unsecured on our corner.   After several months, it too was stolen.

In a time when any yahoo can put up a website for a few bucks and call himself a journalist, we need protection from those who would abuse that professional title.” Tens of thousands had visited Harper’s web site over the years and later many thousands each week read the Lancaster Post.

If being harassed repeatedly, there’s no telling what might happen.” Is this a license for a college president or college police to revert to violence or false arrest?  Furthermore, what possible excuse was there to arrest and hold  Hart-Nibbrig?



  1. In regards to your asked and answered comment. Woodward sought other informants to disprove the denials by Nixon’s administration. That’s exactly the point you’re missing.

    If you ask me a question, I give you an answer you don’t believe, it serves no purpose to keep asking ME the same question over and over. Find other sources to disprove what I said.

    Why would you jump to the conclusioon I was referring to Harper’s site when I said any yahoo can put up a site. I’m just making the point that in the internmet age, anyone CAN put up a site and call themselves a reporter, demanding the rights afforded that position.

    And no, again Mr. Field you’re putting words in my mouth. I don’t believe the police can violate anyone’s rights, OBVIOUSLY. What I said, and the thrust of my letter was, that say I claim to be a reporter, or private dewtective. But I have no private detectives liscense and don’t abide by any journalistic ethics, do you want people of that low moral character to be able to stalk you or your family members with impunity?

    Simply calling yourself something doesn’t make you that thing or give you the rights normally afforded those people. How ’bout “I’m a truck driver. Don’t have a CDL liscense but hey who cares. I’m gonna jump in a semi and cruise down Marriets ave. as fast as I can go. woops, sorry bout your lawn.

    Now if you’d like proof that some of the other people you hold up as legitamite are liars I’d be happy to meet with you privately and provide that proof.

  2. Why does Lancaster County think they are different from the rest of this FREE county called United States of America? Have they never seen the paparazzi on TMZ or the like? Just because Lancaster Newspapers treats people like John Fry as though they are gods, doesn’t mean that a REAL journalist can’t otherwise.

  3. There can be no doubt that Mr. Harper is as credentialed a journalist as anyone in the Lancaster media. As an experienced community leader, Mr. Fry should have called Mr Harper and said he would not be commenting and then asked Mr. Harper to avoid his home. As a result of Mr. Fry’s inaction, a private police force in Mr. Fry’s charge apparently assaulted, arrested, and detained Mr. Harper on a public street as well as arrest and detain another person in the immediate area. In addition, the responsible public authorities (Lancaster Police and DA) failed to investigate; why we do not know. Hopefully the Federal courts will eventually tell us. Perhaps F&M security cameras will help solve the mystery of the missing newspaper box.

  4. – check out “CAN’T FILM THIS”. You will hate it I’m sure!
    Also “SEE NO EVIL”. Both cover this subject specifically.

    I am one of those of whom the writer pretends to need protection from. I strongly suspect the writer is one of the oppressors who enjoy the power of darkness. Perhaps one of the stars on “CAN’T FILM THIS”. Those who believe themselves above the press and the people…

    If not for the camera and investigative efforts I would be in jail, my son would never know his father and the changes occuring to the corrupt family courts of Lancaster would be naught.

    Sit in your home far removed from the powers that run this county and judge all you want. Unless you have attempted to get truth and justice and then to get the local press to cover the lack of – you know nothing.

    I am finishing up a film which will prove “Beyond a shadow of a doubt” the reason why cameras and independent investigative reporters are necesary. That is if you don’t believe the Constitution and that transparancy thing as well as that freedom of press thing.

    What power in this county protects the citizens from wrongful actions by the DA. judges, cops and like.
    Daddy Justice Films

    Do the right thing and you have nothing to fear my fine feathered friend!

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