Public Art Director is a joke

You gotta be joking……well, as the art community was Gray’s biggest supporter during his bid for Mayor, should I be surprised?? And what, may I ask, will the city spend to retain this Public Art Director and what are his/her duties?

And I would add that Lancaster City is NOT in the heart of Amish Country.

Please tell me where the revitalization is taking place as I have seen nothing remarkeable. We still have many vacant store fronts and many businesses left as they could not make a living downtown. I would not be surprised if the Lancaster Museum of Art were completely passed by and a plan to build a non-profit Arts Center is on the books.

We have pressing issues regarding the future of the Lancaster Museum of Art and the Lancaster Free Public Library who could put to good use the money Lancaster is throwing away for the Public Art Manager.

I consider this a special interest project and object vehemently.
