Protests greet Jewish conference in Hungary

ALJAZEERA:  …Senior figures from the opposition Jobbik party, the third biggest with 43 seats in the 386-member parliament, levelled charges on Sunday that Israeli President Shimon Peres had praised Jews for buying property in Hungary.

The WJC, which normally holds its worldwide assembly in Jerusalem, chose Hungary this time to highlight the rise of far-right groups and anti-Semitism in Europe. More than half a million Hungarian Jews were killed in the Holocaust.,,

Marton Gyongyosi, a Jobbik member of parliament, told the crowd: “Our country has become subjugated to Zionism, it has become a target of colonisation while we, the indigenous people, can play only the role of extras.” … (more)

EDITOR:   The Hungarian government, a kleptocracy,(“rule by thieves”) has gone over to the ‘dark side.’   Although a member of the European Union, the Union is too distracted with its euro crisis and recession to do much about it.
