Protesters pan opera’s black-tie affair to honor Corbett

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE REVIEW:  Steel Valley teacher Steven Singer stood outside the Pittsburgh Opera headquarters in the Strip District on Saturday as one of 200 people protesting the opera’s decision to give Gov. Tom Corbett an award for his support of the arts.

“I’m incensed that the opera decided to give Gov. Corbett an award,” said Singer, 38, of White Oak, an eighth-grade language arts teacher. “This man is responsible for cutting nearly $1 billion from the education budget. (The cuts are) eliminating arts and music programs, and you’re going to reward him?”..

Debra Bell, spokeswoman for the Pittsburgh Opera, said the organization honored Corbett and his wife, Susan, for lifetime achievement in their support of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, which doles out state money to arts organizations. Susan Corbett chairs the council. Bell said the opera did not intend to get caught in the middle of a public policy battle… (more)

EDITOR:  On what planet do Bell and her colleagues reside?
