Prospect of 2016 Hillary Candidacy Elbows Out Potential Rivals

NEWSMAX: … Among those trying to present themselves as alternatives to Clinton are Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and Vice President Joe Biden. With Clinton dominating in the polls, she has the potential of becoming the uncontested nominee of her party, according to the Journal.

Pro-Clinton party insiders relish the chance of avoiding a no-holds-barred primary process while conserving campaign resources for the general election. Those backing other candidates say the party should not anoint anyone without a real contest, the Journal reported.

Others mentioned as possible Democratic candidates include Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and former Montana governor Brian Schweitzer. Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand are also on the list if Clinton does not run, according to Bloomberg View columnist Albert R. Hunt… (more)

EDITOR: And if her health turns bad or she declines to run, then what? There will be little time for worthy but relatively unknowns to develop a following and contest for the nomination.
