Americans want limits on corporate / union cash!

There is an urgent and compelling need to limit the ability of corporations and other entities such as labor unions from exercising unlimited influence on and over our political processes through injection of funds in unlimited amounts in favor of politicians committed to their special interests and against those who dare to oppose them.

The recent 5-4 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court permits corporations, foreign or domestic, and other entities such as labor unions to spend unlimited amounts of money not only on issue advertisements that seek to influence public opinion in favor of their special interests but in direct support of or opposition to the election or re-election of public office holders who support or oppose such interests.

Public opinion polls indicate that the Supreme Court’s decision is strongly opposed by an overwhelming majority of the American electorate of all political persuasion; i.e. Republicans, Democrats and Independents.

While there will be efforts to reverse the effect of the Supreme Court’s decision through Congressional legislation, It is highly doubtful that legislation can accomplish such a result n view of the ability of the Supreme Court to overrule and nullify such legislation on the authority of the broad sweep of their recent decision. But unless that decision can be effectively reversed we are in mortal danger of losing any pretense of having a government of, by and for the American people. Instead we will have a government of, by, and for the highest institutional political bidders from around the globe.

Only a Constitutional Amendment can give such power of decision to the Congress and effectively take it away from a simple majority of the Supreme Court.

I urge you to support efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution to give Congress the power to limit institutional funding of elections and vest that right solely in the individual citizens of the United States. Our democratic system of government has come at a high cost in blood and treasure and served us well. It is worth fighting to preserve!
