“LAPD ordered to pay $1.7 million to reporters beaten at rally” reports:

Three Los Angeles-area reporters who said they were physically assaulted by LAPD officers at a 2007 rally have won their day in court.

A Los Angeles County Superior Court jury has awarded one of the journalists, Fox camerawoman Patricia Ballaz, $1.7 million for lost earnings and medical expenses. Another reporter, NPR journalist Patricia Nazario, won $39,000 for medical and other expenses. The jury deadlocked on the award for a third reporter, Fox reporter Christina Gonzalez.

During court testimony, Ballaz testified that police “threw [Gonzalez] around like a rag doll” as they pushed through a crowd of reporters and protesters during an immigration rally near L.A.’s MacArthur Park on May 1, 2007…


John Fry has gone but the law suit from Ron Harper against Franklin and Marshall College remains for his roughing up and incarceration by the college’s security force due to an apparent misunderstanding that Harper had trespassed on Fry’s lawn.    Chris Hart-Nibbrig was present and described what happened in a Newslanc article.

Updated: August 4, 2016 — 3:55 pm