WASHINGTON POST: “Just a few years ago I could never imagine being in my 50s,” he mused. “And when it comes to my approval ratings, I still can’t.”
No, seriously, folks. Remember, he told the white-tie crowd of elite journalists, when he was considered the tech-savvy hipster in the executive mansion? But now, “Hillary has a server in her house!” he exclaimed. “I didn’t even know you could have one of those. I am so far behind.”
Only in Washington does this scene not necessarily strike people as strange: Hundreds of reporters hobnobbing with the government officials they normally cover in an evening of fine dining and parody songs that make Weird Al Yankovic seem hip. Oh, and even though it’s an event thrown by a group of journalists, guests are told not to spoil the fun by publishing anything…
“I really do have a lot of close friends who are Democrats,” said [Wisconsin governor Scott] Walker, serving as the official Republican speaker for the evening. “ I even have Hillary’s private e-mail. . . It’s HillaryClinton@Wallstreet.com. You know the best part of that joke, Elizabeth Warren wrote it for me.” … (more)