President Obama calls 2014 a ‘breakthrough year’


• Said he wants to work with the new Republican Congress on tax changes, seeking to create a simpler system in which the wealthy pay more of their “fair share.” He added, however, that “the devil’s in the details.” He insisted he can find common ground with Republicans but also said there could be “tough fights” ahead. He cited exports, tax overhaul, trade and perhaps immigration as potential areas of cooperation…

• Said the proposed Keystone pipeline involves Canadian oil — not American — with little benefit to U.S. consumers. The president also said he wants to make sure the pipeline project doesn’t make the climate change problem worse. He noted that the project also remains tied up in court, delaying State Department consideration of the project…

• Expressed optimism about the state of American race relations, despite tensions following recent deaths of black men at the hands of police… (more)
