Pope Faces First Crisis as Archbishop Resists Pressure to Quit

NEWSMAX: …Archbishop of San Juan, Roberto Octavio Gonzalez Nieves, has been accused by the Vatican of an array of alleged serious offenses: protecting pedophile priests, abusing his power, promoting Puerto Rican independence from the U.S., and supporting a law that could grant same-sex couples living together hereditary rights and health benefits…

But Gonzalez Nieves says the accusations are politically motivated and has accused a cardinal and a former Puerto Rican governor of being behind the allegations. He has also put up a vigorous defense, writing an angry letter to Ouellet two months after their meeting that was leaked to the Puerto Rican press…

“The office of a diocesan bishop can be lost by ‘privation’ (canon 416) which means that a he can be deprived of his office, under certain conditions,” Pietrzyk told Newsmax. “First, the bishop can only be judged by the Roman Pontiff himself (canon 1405),” he explained. “Second there must be a ‘delict’ — essentially a crime or wrongdoing under canon law — which must be sufficiently grave.”… (more)
