Poll: Sixty percent oppose weakening collective bargaining


A majority of Americans said in a new poll Tuesday that they oppose one of the main components of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) labor reform plan.

Sixty percent of U.S. adults said they somewhat or strongly oppose taking away the collective bargaining rights of public employee unions, as Walker has demanded as part of a budget-reduction plan in Wisconsin.

Thirty-three percent of Americans, by contrast, somewhat or strongly favor the reform sought by Walker and some other Republican governors, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll. Seven percent did not express an opinion…

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1 Comment

  1. That would be significant if more than 5% of either side had any idea of the the issues beyond what affects their immediate paycheck and seeing people scream at the other on the nightly news.

    Then again, garnering a better understanding of the issues would cut into Charlie Sheen time. That guy is whacky !

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