Poll shows Americans conflicted over immigration debate

USA TODAY: …In a new USA TODAY/Pew Research Center Poll, three of four people agree with big arguments made by proponents of legislation that would allow millions of undocumented workers to stay in the United States legally: that deporting them isn’t realistic, that granting them legal status would boost the U.S. economy, that most are hardworking and deserve an opportunity to stay.

At the same time, nearly two-thirds of those surveyed also agree with big arguments made by opponents: that granting undocumented workers legal status would drain government services and that doing so would encourage more foreigners to come to the U.S. illegally.

Just about everybody — more than eight in 10 Americans — endorse views on both sides of the argument. That could make the politics harder when it comes to striking a final deal this year, a time widely seen as the best chance in a generation to overhaul the nation’s immigration system… (more)
