Poll: School shooting seen as sign of larger societal problem

THE HILL:  A majority of people see Friday’s carnage at a Connecticut elementary school as indicative of larger societal problems, and not merely a troubled individual’s isolated act, according to an ABC News-Washington Post poll released Monday… 

Fifty-four percent said they favor stricter gun control laws in general, the highest percentage in the last five years. Still, this number is little changed. Since 2007, the percentage of those who say they favor stricter gun laws has hovered near 50 percent, and between 1992 and 2007, those who said they favored stricter gun laws averaged close to 60 percent.

However, enthusiasm is on the side of those who favor stricter gun laws – 44 percent are strongly in favor, against 32 percent who are strongly opposed. In addition, 59 percent said they would support a ban on high-capacity ammunition clips that carry more than 10 bullets, with 47 percent strongly in favor against only 29 strongly opposed…  (more)
