Poll: NYers tell pols to keep beaks out of Chick-fil-A business

NEW YORK POST:   A Quinnipiac University poll being released today found that voters by a lopsided 83-11 percent margin feel elected officials shouldn’t try to discourage people from patronizing the fast food chain just because its CEO openly opposes gay marriage.

By a similar 82-12 percent margin, they called on pols not to interfere in the government permitting process for the popular chicken sandwich shops.

“New Yorkers may disagree with what you say, but they defend your right to sell chicken,” said poll director Maurice Carroll…    (more)


1 Comment

  1. If companies are people and people vote with dollars then the destination of the restaurant’s donations are open for public debate. It very well should be an issue as to where peoples’ hard-earned money goes after the chicken goes down their gullet.

    This issue has made our little feathered friend the modern martyr as Chick-fil-A laughs all the way to the bank. Watch the poultry be nailed to the cross and pierced by the spear of destiny at the hands of those devious cows on my artist’s blog at http://dregstudiosart.blogspot.com/2012/08/holy-rollin-poultry-on-cross-chick-fil.html

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