Poll: Mississippi most religious; Vt., N.H. least

USA TODAY:  Overall, Gallup says, “America remains a generally religious nation, with more than two-thirds of the nation’s residents classified as very or moderately religious.”…

Gallup found that 59% of Mississippians described themselves as “very religious,” followed by 57% of Utahns and 56% of Alabamans. Louisiana, Arkansas and South Carolina came in at 54%.

New England — where the persecuted Pilgrims landed — continues to be a home for Americans focused less on religion than elsewhere in the union. Only 23% of the residents in Vermont and New Hampshire said they were “very religious,” followed by Maine (25%) and Massachusetts (28%)…   (more)

EDITOR:  The word ‘religion’ covers a tremendous gamut of views and philosophies.  Are we talking about fundamentalism or a respect for  tradition that may be inspired by some form of force?    Does one region have a stronger sense of ethics and morality than another?  If so, which?
