Poll: Life’s just good for most older Americans

USA TODAY:  …Life is good for most of the nation’s seniors, according to a recent poll of 2,250 older adults. Whether they move to “active adult” communities such as Sun City or grow old in the homes where they raised their children, they say they are pretty darn content.

USA TODAY partnered with UnitedHealthcare and the National Council on Aging to gauge the attitudes of Americans age 60 and above. The telephone poll shows that most are enjoying their golden years, in stark contrast with a more somber national mood.

The economy remains shaky, unemployment stubbornly high, the housing market stalled and the stock market volatile, but older Americans say they’re generally happy with their lots in life. Most are content with their finances, their health and where they live, and most are optimistic about the years to come…   (more) 

EDITOR:  The article further points out that their senior population will almost double by 2050.   How our shrinking work base will pay for future Social Security and Medicare remains a huge challenge.   Our birth rate barely replaces our existing level of population.  Rather than resisting immigration from the south, perhaps we should open the border…. and learn Spanish as a second language.
