Poll finds Corbett’s approval rate rising among voters


Gov. Tom Corbett is still feeling the pain from voters after a rough first budget season, but a poll out Wednesday reveals that Pennsylvanians are thinking a bit better of him as the Republican starts his eighth month on the job.

Forty-four percent of respondents to a poll of registered voters approve of Corbett’s job performance, compared with 36 percent who do not, according to the survey by Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn. A fifth of voters, or 20 percent, are on the fence.

That’s a marked improvement from a June 14 Quinnipiac poll conducted in the heat of the debate of the $27.15 billion spending plan the freshman governor later signed into law. Then 39 percent of state voters approved of Corbett, compared with 38 percent who did not…

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  1. How quickly they forget…

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