Poll: Corbett and Specter lead; Specter trails Rep. Toomey


State Attorney General Tom Corbett continues to hold big leads over three potential Democratic rivals in this year’s race for governor in Pennsylvania.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state shows Corbett leading former Congressman Joe Hoeffel 51% to 29%. Against Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato, he leads 52% to 26%. When State Auditor Jack Wagner is his Democratic opponent, Corbett is ahead 49% to 28%.

Incumbent Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter remains barely over 50% but still holds a 15-point lead over his Democratic Primary challenger, Congressman Joe Sestak. Little is changed this month in Pennsylvania’s overall race for the Senate, with Republican hopeful Pat Toomey still ahead of Specter by nine points.

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