Poll: Americans Clearly Don’t Trust, Don’t Want Iran Deal

NEWSMAX: According to a Quinnipiac University poll conducted July 23-28 of 1,644 registered voters, 57 percent oppose the deal compared to 28 percent who support it. Republicans and independents are most strongly against the deal while Democrats give it lukewarm support.

Specifically, 86 percent of Republicans are against the deal compared to a mere 3 percent in favor. Independent voters oppose the deal 55 percent to 29 percent, while Democrats support the deal 52 to 32 percent.

The poll also found that a majority of voters, 58 percent to 30 percent, also believe the nuclear accord will make the world less safe… (more)

EDITOR: This matter is largely over the heads of the uniNformed or misinformed, “by jingo” population.

(Correction made per the below comment. Thanks.)


1 Comment

  1. LOL, I think you may have meant uninformed, but you are probably still correct just as it’s written!

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