Political correctness vs. Being polite?

[In response to this Watchdog article:]

People decry “political correctness” these days. When I was growing up, it was called “being polite”. What’s funny is that the same people who complain about “political correctness” are complaining that our society has grown increasingly rude.

I remember a kid who died in the 1950s because he was careless enough to admit that he had a black grandmother. It seems that he had been dating the white girls. When he admitted that he was high yellow – his classmates got after him for being interested in a dark-skinned stunner – the brother of a girl he had previously dated decided that he had to go.

In the 1970s, people were still advising kids not to marry across racial lines out of concern that their kids would never fit into society; They were wrong. It’s old geezers like Harry Reid, Michael Steel and you and I who no longer fit into society. As American society becomes more and more multiracial, the dinosaurs that we are will stand out more and more.

It’s a lonely world. Even identical twins come into this world single file, and we leave it the same way. If two people, whether they be of the same or different race, religion and gender can make a connection, we should encourage them to find comfort with each other – and soon enough, dinosaur talk will be recognized as the hateful thing that it is, and laughed out of existence.
