Placing blame re Mid-East policy failure

To the commentator: And Republican Ronald Regan was the best President in history because he made 50 movies. ?And Arnie the best Governor because he did the same? And George W. Bush was “the best friend Israel ever had” because he fully understood the complex history of the region and therefore appointed Ariel Sharon as the best person to represent American interests in the region?

There are lots of things laughable but what is not funny at all is the situation in Palestine and the end of the peace process. Diplomacy has utterly failed and that is a tragedy for everyone. Now we argue over who is to blame as if the most important thing to do in any crisis is to find out who we can point the finger at. The world can go to hell and everyone will rejoice because we have all figured out who is to blame. If it were not so terrible it would be the funniest thing that ever happened . . and the last.
