Pittsburgh Post-Gazette vicious coverage of Kane rally

By Robert Field

“Supporters of AG Kathleen Kane rally at Capitol” states:

“A small group of supporters of Attorney General Kathleen Kane called on the disciplinary board that is threatening to suspend her law license to stop and allow the case against her to proceed through the courts.” No mention of the discouraging inclement weather predictions and downpours before and during the time of the rally.

“Forcing the attorney general from office would ‘be nullifying over 3 million votes that we Pennsylvanians cast for her,’ said Wendy Silverwood, one of the speakers at the Capitol rally this afternoon.”

“Others at the event, many of whom wore ‘Citizens 4 Kane’ stickers, said she is entitled to the presumption of innocence.” The only coverage as to what was said by Kane supporters.

The next three paragraphs are devoted to repeating old news detrimental to Kane.

This as another example of extreme media prejudice towards the attorney general. Whether it is because the reporters and their editors have long hung out with the ‘old boy network’ or simply initially were misled by the Philadelphia Inquirer, they mindlessly continue to walk in lock step.

For Real Reporting / NewsLanc, this is déjà vu the mendacious and malicious press coverage of the Lancaster Convention Center Project, initial acquiescence by most statewide media to the scapegoat firing of Penn State Football Coach Joe Paterno, and inexcusable ignorance by state media in the face of the unprecedented rulings against Penn State by the NCAA, in blatant violation of the NCAA’s own by-laws and constitution.

We don’t have an ax to grind and we have our eyes open.
