PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: Gerlach’s return pushes another House hopeful out

Published in the Philadelphia Inquirer on Tuesday, January 12, 2010:

The waves caused by Republican U.S. Rep. Jim Gerlach’s decision to run for reelection swamped State Rep. Curt Schroder as the conservative favorite yesterday announced he was abandoning his congressional campaign.

In an e-mail to supporters, Schroder wrote that quitting the race was a “bitter disappointment,” but he said he would have been unable to raise enough money to compete with an incumbent congressman with the “complete financial resources of the Washington DC establishment behind him.”

Schroder was the latest contender driven out of the Republican primary for what had seemed to be an open Sixth District seat. Gerlach, who had been running for governor, dropped that campaign Thursday and said Friday he would run for a fifth term in Congress.

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