Article “PUC is putting Pa.’s default system in play” reports:

Robert F. Powelson, the chairman of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, is not impressed that 18 percent of Peco Energy Co.’s electric customers have switched suppliers since Jan. 1.

“‘That’s great,’ Powelson said in an interview. ‘What’s the problem? Eighty-two percent are paying the default rate. They’re paying a premium. Shop. Save money.’…

“Powelson admires the Texas system, where more than 80 percent of electric customers shop for a supplier” …  (more)

WATCHDOG: Things are not always as they appear.   Studies have shown the deregulation usually leads to higher consumer rates!  Here is an excerpt from an article that appeared in USA Today:

The Jacksons are among millions of U.S. residents reeling from the aftershocks of electricity deregulation in 17 states and Washington, D.C. After rate freezes in Illinois expired in January, bills soared up to 55% for Ameren customers and 26% for those of Commonwealth Edison. The Jacksons were hit with a much bigger increase because their house is among 170,000 Ameren dwellings that got big discounts for using electric heat. Those discounts also ended in January.”  … (more)

Updated: May 9, 2011 — 9:24 am