Philadelphia Free School aims for democratic education model

 PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER:  Maddy Winters knows what she wants. Yes to ballet, no to soccer, yes to astronomy, and definitely yes to hanging out with the older crowd of third and fourth graders on her block.

Just 3 years old, she begged to go to school, but the local public school just won’t do for her parents, Mark Filippone and Marie Winters. In September, Maddy will be enrolled at the Philadelphia Free School, where she will continue to decide what she wants to do all day long.

The Free School, which plans to launch a pilot program in January in South Philadelphia, follows a democratic model of education, meaning no tests, no curriculum, no bells every 45 minutes, no separation into grades, and no teachers. The adults at the school will be called “staff” and be elected by the students each year. The students will also vote on the school’s budget and serve on a judicial committee that deliberates on misbehaving peers…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. I’m familiar with the concept from a school in Israel. I especially appreciate the emphasis on combining freedom with responsibility.

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