Pew: Jeb Now Polling at 4 Percent, Collapses Behind Rubio

NEWSMAX: In the Pew Research Center survey released Friday, 4 percent of likely GOP primary voters pick the former Florida governor as their first choice for the nomination; 25 percent select Trump, 16 percent choose retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio tie with 8 percent, and 6 percent name Texas Sen. Ted Cruz…

“Overall, 66 percent of GOP potential primary voters say immigration is a very important issue in their decision about who to vote for in 2016,” Pew writes.

“However, 84 percent of those who say they would be more likely to support a candidate who wants to deport all undocumented immigrants say the issue is central to their presidential vote.”… (more)
