Perry feels heat from the old guard

FINANCIAL TIMES:  The complicated dynamic between Republicans loyal to George W. Bush and those backing the rightwing governor of his adopted state, Rick Perry, was exposed this week as Karl Rove took a public swipe at the presidential hopeful.

The former president’s adviser complained this week that Mr Perry was a “cowboy” who did not appear “presidential”, exposing a deeper concern among the Republican establishment that, if he manages to clinch the Republican nomination, the governor of Texas would be a poor general election candidate against Barack Obama in 2012.

Both Mr Bush and Mr Perry cultivated reputations as swaggering Texans. But there were differences, too. Mr Bush, who was born on the east coast to an elite political family, was equally at home among the “country club” set within the Texas Republican party that, some analysts say, has never felt comfortable with Mr Perry…  (more)
