Pennsylvanians catching on to choosing low-price suppliers for their electric power

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE:  … The state’s recently opened market for electric supply has invited new players hoping to convince homeowners and businesses to compare prices when it comes to electric generation. And, according to a new report, a substantial amount of residential customers have taken up the recent offers.

A competitive utility market is still relatively new to Pennsylvania, but nationwide almost one-fifth of all kilowatt hours used in 2011 were purchased under a retail choice program, according to a report released Tuesday by the Compete Coalition, a consortium of electricity industry players. The report tapped data from Dnv Kema Energy & Sustainability, an energy consulting firm with U.S. headquarters in Burlington, Mass…

PPL of Allentown has seen the greatest adoption rate so far in the state, with 45 percent of its residential base switching…  (more)
