Pennsylvania to sue NCAA over Penn State sanctions: report

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS:   Sports Illustrated online is reporting that Pennsylvania, without Penn State’s involvement, is going to sue the NCAA over its sanctions against the university related to the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal. says Gov. Tom Corbett’s office could make an announcement about the suit this week, but didn’t clarify what the state would be suing over. It cites unnamed sources and says the governor’s office refused to talk on the issue.

The NCAA fined Penn State $60 million, banned its football team from four years of bowl games and vacated years of team wins over its handling of the Sandusky case… (more)


1 Comment

  1. Good for Tom Corbett. Standing up for the students, alumni, fans, and the football team when Penn State would not. Let’s hope some shine can be restored to Joe Pa’s memory too.

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