Pennsylvania lottery deal being revised to address attorney general’s concerns

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE:  Gov. Tom Corbett said today his administration will revise the agreement for the private management of the Pennsylvania Lottery to make clear the plan is legal instead of appealing Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s denial of the pact.

“This is a services contract,” the governor said shortly before marching in the Pittsburgh St. Patrick’s Day Parade. “We’ve tightened it up and are going to send it back to her.

“I certainly hope it does [answer her concerns]–we’re not doing this for an exercise–but if it doesn’t we’ll take a look at filing a challenge with the court.”   …  (more)

EDITOR:  Other than to generate huge fees for Corbett croneys, political contributions towards his re-election,  and a giant profit for former governor Ed Rendall’s firm that has acted as a consultant, it is hard to understand the purpose of contracting out what has been a very successful operation.
