Penn State’s legal liability in the Sandusky case could get much heavier

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER:   …Even before release of investigative counsel Louis Freeh’s report Thursday detailing Sandusky’s predations and administrators’ efforts to hide them, the university faced an avalanche of lawsuits from the former assistant football coach’s victims.

But, given the cover-up’s duration – 14 years – and the multiple acts of sexual abuse Freeh detailed, plaintiffs’ lawyers say the university’s exposure now could reach $100 million or more. And that does not include the money Penn State will spend for its own legal defense – or the additional damage to the university’s reputation.

“This is a lot worse than what I anticipated,” said Andrew Stoltmann, a Chicago-based securities litigator. “The risks for Penn State in going through discovery and leaving a decision in the hands of a jury could be cataclysmic.” …  (more)

