Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship statement on Freeh Report Critism

AUGUST 22, 2012 — “In this morning’s press conference regarding characterization of Dr. Graham Spanier within the Freeh Report, his attorney, the Honorable Timothy Lewis, a former United States federal judge, could have no more clearly stated the position of Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship when he said, ‘Penn State University deserved better and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania deserved better.’ We would add, that under the leadership of the Board of Trustees, specifically the students, parents and alumni of Penn State also have deserved far better. Every criticism articulated by Judge Lewis today should have been obvious to each and every member of the Board of Trustees when — and if — they reviewed the Freeh Report in detail. With the perspective today of more than 50 years of federal investigative and judicial experience, it is more clear than ever that the Board of Trustees has failed in their fiduciary responsibility to Penn State by allowing such a blatant distortion of facts and rush to judgement to be the foundation for NCAA sanctions, Middle State accreditation warnings, and scathing deterioration of the Penn State brand. We call for their collective resignation immediately.”

PS4RS will itself be issuing a comprehensive analysis of the errors, unsupported conclusions, and misstatements of the Freeh report in mid-September. That analysis, conducted by the PS4RS Legal and Regulatory Task Force, will further outline the failure of the Board of Trustees in their stewardship of the University.

Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship has membership has doubled since the release of the Freeh report. The organization, which has more than 10,500 members nationwide, was formed to effect positive change within the University Board of Trustees. For further information on PS4RS, please visit www.PS4RS.ORG, email [email protected], or search “WE intend to vote out the Penn State Board of Trustees” on Facebook. Follow PS4RS on Twitter at @PS4RS.

ECITOR:   They know they were wronged but they haven’t yet figured out who did it.  Pathetic.
