Penn State trustee Anthony Lubrano asks for Freeh Report refund

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS:  Penn State trustee Anthony Lubrano said Sunday he wants his fellow board members to try to recoup at least some of the millions paid to former FBI director Louis Freeh’s firm for its analysis of the causes and conditions behind the Jerry Sandusky child sex scandal.ubrano asks for Freeh Report refund.

Lubrano, an alumni trustee who cruised to election last spring on a wave of outrage over what some consider to be university leadership’s hasty acceptance of institutional blame for the longtime assistant football coach’s actions, said he was speaking out based on the findings presented earlier this month by a panel of experts commissioned by the late Joe Paterno’s family to critique Freeh’s findings.

Their analysis savaged Freeh’s conclusions that senior leadership at Penn State helped create a shadowy environment in which Sandusky could prey on boys, and argued many of Freeh’s conclusions are no more than suppositions based on an incomplete factual record…  (more)
