Penn State lettermen irate over specter of hiring Bill O’Brien

SPORTING NEWS: Penn State had two strategies to consider in its search for a new coach: Embrace the tradition of Penn State—before its horrific collapse under the weight of the Jerry Sandusky investigation—or break away from that legacy and start anew.

The latter appears to be the direction the university chose to travel and the result has been one of outrage and disappointment for those in the Football Lettermen’s Club. According to ESPN, interim coach and 30-year assistant Tom Bradley, who interviewed for the job, has not been notified of the school’s decision.

“If they get rid of Tom Bradley, that means they in essence have accepted the fact that we are all guilty,” Arrington told “You might as well call it all the same thing. What we stood for and what we represented for so long, what we have been taught, what we have been trained to know and the values that I raise my children with, you’re basically telling me it’s good, only as long as times are good.” … (more)

EDITOR: There is more than meets the eye here.
