Penn State hearing a ‘dog and pony’ show

YES. This dog and pony show will continue as cover for Corbett but in a real trial these charges will not hold up.

McQueary’s testimony was ” he was sure of what he saw” but “he wasn’t sure he was seeing what he was seeing.” Likewise he “definitely reported something sexual and wrong”…but he didn’t think to immediately involve the police.

Give Corbett and his lapdog AG credit, the delay in the pre-trial was to carefully coach McQueary and evolve the testimony further. Can’t they see by doing this all they have done is jeopardize the real investigation of real crimes against Sandusky?

Now we have the mob seeing these hollow victories against incompetent PSU admin as “one for those kids.” Is that going to be Corbett’s next campaign slogan, how he won one for the kids?
