Penn State Faculty denounce Freeh Report and NCAA actions

Statement by a Group of Past Chairs of The Pennsylvania State University Faculty Senate Regarding the Freeh Report, the NCAA Consent Decree, and Their Academic Implications

August 28, 2012

As the world now knows, horrible crimes against vulnerable young boys were committed by a prominent member of the Penn State community. We, an ad hoc group of past chairs of the University Faculty Senate, share the widespread concern for the victims, are outraged and deeply saddened that this happened in our community, and support efforts to redress the wrongs and remedy their root causes.

We also are concerned that the broader circumstances around the Sandusky crimes have become distorted in the current hyperbolic media environment to the detriment of the entire Penn State community. Much of this has been fueled by the investigation of the Freeh Group and their report. Their investigation appears to have been reasonably thorough, given that it could not subpoena testimony. However, as a document in which evidence, facts, and logical argument are marshaled to support conclusions and recommendations, the Freeh Report fails badly.

On a foundation of scant evidence, the report adds layers of conjecture and supposition to create a portrait of fault, complicity, and malfeasance that could well be at odds with the truth. We make no judgment of the culpability of those individuals directly surrounding the Sandusky crimes. We lack sufficient knowledge to do so, and we are content to wait until guilt or innocence is adjudicated by the courts. But as scientists and scholars, we can say with conviction that the Freeh Report fails on its own merits as the indictment of the University that some have taken it to be.  Evidence that would compel such an indictment is simply not there.

More central to our concerns are the recent sanctions levied against Penn State by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and, more importantly, the rationale for those actions and their negative impact on the academic well‐being of the University. The NCAA did not conduct its own investigation of the Penn State situation, but rather drew its conclusions from the findings of the Freeh Report. The NCAA Consent Decree, which substantially embellishes the initial Freeh findings in both tone and substance, claimed no standard of proof for its conclusions but nonetheless required Penn State to accept the Freeh Group’s assertions as fact.

The NCAA actions were not predicated on any rulebook violations by members of the football team, the crimes committed by a former assistant coach, or even the alleged concealment of those crimes by University officials. Rather, the NCAA based its actions on the sweeping assertion that a culture permeating every level of the Penn State community places the football program “in higher esteem than the values of the institution, the values of the NCAA, the values of higher education, and most disturbingly the values of human decency.” The NCAA further alleges that “the culture exhibited at Penn State is an extraordinary affront to the values all members of the Association have pledged to uphold and calls for extraordinary action,” and it states that the sanctions are intended to change this culture.

These assertions, from the middle of page four of the Consent Decree, are the sole predicate for the NCAA sanctions, yet the NCAA cites no document that proves their truth, as the Freeh Report certainly does not do so. Not only are these assertions about the Penn State culture unproven, but we declare them to be false. As faculty members with a cumulative tenure at Penn State in the hundreds of years, and as former Faculty Senate chairs with intimate knowledge of the University stretching back for decades, these assertions do not describe the culture with which we are so very familiar. None of us has ever been pressured or even asked to change a grade for an athlete, nor have we heard of any cases where that has occurred. We know that there are no phantom courses or bogus majors for athletes at Penn State.

Some of us have privately witnessed swift and unyielding administrative actions against small transgressions, actions taken expressly to preserve academic and institutional integrity. We have performed our duties secure in the knowledge that academic funds do not subsidize the athletic program. We have been proud of the excellent academic record of our student athletes, and of the fact that Penn State has never before had a major NCAA sanction. And we have taken pride in an institutional culture that values honesty, decency, integrity, and fairness.  It is disturbing in the extreme to have that culture’s very existence denied by the NCAA.

The NCAA has used its assertion of collective guilt to justify its collective punishment of the entire University community, almost all of whom had absolutely no involvement in or knowledge of the underlying crimes or the administration’s allegedly insufficient response. The damaging rhetoric used by the NCAA to justify its sanctions has unjustly injured the academic reputation, financial health, and general well‐being of the University. These outcomes are in contradiction to the stated ideals of the NCAA, ideals for which Penn State has been an exemplar among universities.

Further, in reaching beyond its authority of regulating intercollegiate athletics and by sanctioning Penn State for non‐athletic matters, the NCAA has significantly eroded Penn State’s institutional autonomy and established a dangerous precedent. The NCAA Consent Decree “requires” the University to adopt all of the recommendations in the Freeh Report, recommendations with implications that permeate almost all aspects of institutional activity.

Under normal circumstances, the merits of the report’s recommendations would have been carefully evaluated by the Administration, the Board, and the Faculty Senate and adopted or ignored as appropriate.

Instead, what were suggested by the Freeh Group as possible corrective actions now are required by the NCAA. In our view, many of these seem to make good sense, but others misjudge the nature of academic institutions and may well be counterproductive. In any event, policy changes such as these should be made with careful deliberation and not by precipitous and heavy‐handed fiat.

We do not dismiss the need to examine and improve the way Penn State operates. The shock of the crimes that occurred here clearly underlines the need for greater vigilance and stronger policies. However, the sweeping and unsupported generalizations by the Freeh Group and the NCAA do not provide a satisfactory basis for productive change. The NCAA has departed from its own procedures in administering these sanctions, which are unprecedented in their rationale and severity. The sanctions are deeply unjust to the University and unfair to its students, and they should be regretted by all who care about the integrity of academic sports programs for which the NCAA is supposed to be the guardian.

Janet Atwood

Associate Professor Emerita Exercise and Sport Science

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1989‐1990

Peter D. Bennett

Professor Emeritus of Business Administration

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1983‐1984

Ernest L Bergman

Professor Emeritus of Plant Nutrition

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1973‐1974

Leonard J. Berkowitz

Associate Professor Emeritus of Philosophy

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1998‐1999

Christopher J. Bise

Professor Emeritus of Mining Engineering and Industrial

Health and Safety

Chair of the Faculty Senate 2003‐2004

Dawn G. Blasko

Associate Professor of Psychology

Chair of the Faculty Senate 2007‐2008

Ingrid Blood

Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Chair of the Faculty Senate 2008‐2009

Barton W. Browning

Associate Professor Emeritus of German

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1994‐1995

Herbert Cole Jr.

Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology and Agricultural


Chair of the Faculty Senate 1986‐1987

Lee D. Coraor

Associate Professor of Computer Science and


Chair of the Faculty Senate 2009‐2010

John J. Coyle

Professor Emeritus of Logistics and Supply Chain


Chair of the Faculty Senate 1976‐77

Richard G. Cunningham

Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1967‐68

Thomas E. Daubert

Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1977‐1978

George W. Franz

Associate Professor Emeritus of American History

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1980‐1981

Louis F. Geschwindner

Professor Emeritus of Architectural Engineering

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1997‐1998

Peter C. Jurs

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1995‐1996.

C. Gregory Knight

Professor Emeritus of Geography

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1987‐1988

R. Scott Kretchmar

Professor of Exercise and Sport Science

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1996‐1997

George J. McMurtry

Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1979‐1980

Thomas L. Merritt

Professor Emeritus of Animal Science

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1988‐1989

John W. Moore

Associate Professor Emeritus of English and

Comparative Literature

Chair of the Faculty Senate 2002‐2003

Jamie Myers

Professor of Education

Chair of the Faculty Senate 2005‐2006

Murry R. Nelson

Professor Emeritus of Education and American Studies

Faculty Senate Chair 1999‐2000

John S. Nichols

Professor Emeritus of Communications and

International Affairs

Chair of the Faculty Senate 2001‐2002

Jean Landa Pytel

Associate Professor of Engineering Science and


Chair of the Faculty Senate 2010‐2011

Cara‐Lynne Schengrund

Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Molecular


Chair of the Faculty Senate 2000‐2001

Robert A. Secor

Professor Emeritus of English

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1991‐1992

James F. Smith

Professor Emeritus of English and American Studies

Chair of the Faculty Senate 1992‐1993

Kim C. Steiner

Professor of Forest Biology

Chair of the Faculty Senate 2004‐2005

William D. Taylor

Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Molecular


Chair of the Faculty Senate 1972‐1973

Note: Many of the signatories have held administrative positions at Penn State or elsewhere. For the purposes of this statement, in which we are speaking independently as current and former faculty members, we are listing only academic titles.


1 Comment

  1. You all have been Corbetted.

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