YAHOO SPORTS: Lawyers for retired university vice president Gary Schultz filed a petition late Monday in county court in Harrisburg, Pa., that requested a list of 25 sets of items from the Washington, D.C., law firm led by former FBI director Louis Freeh, hired by Penn State to look into the child sex abuse scandal…
Schultz’s lawyers said Freeh’s 144-page report “has maintained grievous and potentially inaccurate information related to Mr. Schultz, reviewing in great detail his purported actions, and alleging a conspiracy among the top administrators for the university to cover up reports of sexual abuse within its football program.”…
Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship, an alumni-based organization that has been critical of the university’s board of trustees, on Tuesday said it was seeking records from Penn State about the Freeh report, specifically the names of other entities that may have been contacted before Freeh was hired and documents memorializing the deal between Penn State and the Freeh firm… (more)
EDITOR: We don’t understand the above either.
Freeh and Corbett should be sued for libel and slander.