Pelosi: Romney Made ‘Calculated Move’ to Get Booed by NAACP

NEWSMAX:   … [Mitt}Romney generally got a warm reaction from delegates to the convention in Houston when he spoke on Wednesday. But there was a chorus of boos when he talked about repealing President Barack Obama’s healthcare initiative.

During her Bloomberg interview, Pelosi claimed that opposition to Obamacare was waning in the light of the Supreme Court decision that most of it was constitutional.

“I have heard from people in the business community that the Supreme Court decision is almost a relief,” she told Cook. “Now they can proceed with some level of certainty to provide healthcare benefits with a tax credit for employees and also if they can’t they can pay into the system so that their employees are covered.” …  (more)

EDITOR:   Perhaps, but then again, if he didn’t state his position he might have been accused as waffling.
